You are welcome to join us for VBS at Johannesburg Christian Church! We will begin our day with a meal together then proceed into the sanctuary for CELEBRATION time. Transfer into our small “families” that will be designated by a specific color. We will spend the day learning about Biblical times and the people, crafts, games and tons of FUN! Most importantly Jesus and the impact He had on the people. Please join us to walk back in time and learn what happened!
TIME: 5:30 pm – 8pm
PLACE: Johannesburg Christian Church
10722 M-32 East
Johannesburg, MI 49751
DATE: July 20-21-22
Below you will find the registration information. Please email back to us or bring with you on Tuesday! You can also register at the door if you are unable to print. Have a blessed day and see you there!!!
PHONE: 989-705-7456