V*B*S* WHAT A MESS ~Vacation Bible School

Cindy Lester

VBS Vacation Bible School 2024 Johannesburg Christian Church 10722 East M-32 Johannesburg, MI 49751 “WHAT A MESS” AUGUST 13TH 14TH & 15TH 5pm-8pm EVERYONE WELCOME! Johannesburg Christian Church welcomes you to bring your children ages 5-14 yr olds to a MESSY -ADVENTURE SEEKING-WORD OF GOD FUN FILLED  3 DAYS!!! We will start out each evening with dinner together and invite …

YOUTH GROUP Everyone Welcome!

Cindy Lester

YOUTH GROUP:  5th-12th Grades   Bring your YOUTH out for some food, fun and Jesus EVERYONE IS WELCOME!!!   Wednesday 6:30-8pm! We will be meeting in the Portable *YOUTH BUILDING directly behind the Church. See you on WEDNESDAY ! We cannot wait to meet you! Leader: Pastor’s Jeff & Trisha Facsko  (989) 370-6574